Wearable Submission Portal Linked Wearables still not working after 5 months
aaron leupp
Hope all has been well. It has been 5 months so far and we still seem to can't get any answer when the wearable uploader for linked wearables will be fixed. We also were told we would hear back from the foundation after the holidays on an update but it has been 2 weeks since then. Is there any chance we can just send a google drive with all the 20,000+ Glb files to make things easier on everyone? Also has @kaze_no_kai been let go since we have not heard from him either. Know you guys are very busy open to all efficient solutions. thankk you.
Nicolas - Product Lead @ Decentraland Foundation
Hi aaron leupp, what is the issue exactly? the latest implementation is working fine. Please let me know so I can help.
PS: Kaze is still with us so you can reach out to him as well.
aaron leupp
Nicolas - Product Lead @ Decentraland Foundation thank you. would you like to join our group chat? I could be wrong but Our Wearable committee approve Ankou said they keep breaking the 3D molds. We been waiting for a solution from you guys. We were told that you guys wanted to hop on a call to fix it before the holidays then it had to get rescheduled. Now I can't seem to get any response from you guys. I also sent the google drive URLs with all the 30,000+ glb files if that helps since can be a lot easier for us all. Open to all ideas. thanks!